Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pwll, er, Poll of the Month.

You would think those on a show titled "Pure Pwnage" would be able to read correctly. They clearly state "that only n00bs pronounce pwn as 'pohn'." citing because it is a spelling mistake, it should take it's original pronunciation.


"Pwn" is now a new word, a different lifeform from it's ancestor "Own". People intentionally type the P, therefore it is pronounced. I mean, duh. But since I'm a nice guy (usually) I'm willing to listen to other opinions. Even though they are probably wrong.

How do you pronounce "pwn"?
like "pone"
like "own"
like "pawn"
like "poon"
like "pun"
like "puh-own"
like "pee-own"
like "pwen"
I'm a n00b. What's "pwn"?
No, I googled for _pawn_ shops.
Free polls from

A sign in the game City of Heroes.

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